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Analysis of the development trend of my country's petrochemical industry in the next few years

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  • Time of issue:2020-10-27 17:30
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(Summary description)Relevant experts believe that in the next few years, my country’s petroleum and chemical industry will further expand its market space. The petrochemical industry will become a hot spot for investment. The petrochemical industry, led and cored by refining and ethylene, will maintain a sustained development trend. The fertilizer industry will optimize its structure. New materials and fine chemicals in new fields have broad prospects.

Analysis of the development trend of my country's petrochemical industry in the next few years

(Summary description)Relevant experts believe that in the next few years, my country’s petroleum and chemical industry will further expand its market space. The petrochemical industry will become a hot spot for investment. The petrochemical industry, led and cored by refining and ethylene, will maintain a sustained development trend. The fertilizer industry will optimize its structure. New materials and fine chemicals in new fields have broad prospects.

  • Categories:Company News
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  • Time of issue:2020-10-27 17:30
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Relevant experts believe that in the next few years, my country’s petroleum and chemical industry will further expand its market space. The petrochemical industry will become a hot spot for investment. The petrochemical industry, led and cored by refining and ethylene, will maintain a sustained development trend. The fertilizer industry will optimize its structure. New materials and fine chemicals in new fields have broad prospects.

  Bai Yi, vice president of China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Planning Institute, recently analyzed the industry background that my country’s petroleum and chemical industry will face in the next few years at the 2006 Western International Energy and Chemical Technology Forum held in Yulin, Shaanxi Province. He believes that:

  -China will continue to be the fastest growing region in the world's petrochemical industry, and will become a key area for domestic and foreign investors. my country's petrochemical market has broad prospects and huge room for development. It is estimated that by 2010, the consumption of my country's main petrochemical products will reach one third of the total global consumption. East China and South China will remain the production and consumption centers of my country's petrochemical products.

  -Multinational companies and competitive industries in neighboring countries and regions will continue to transfer to my country and occupy the Chinese market through localized production and sales. It is estimated that by 2010, my country will still import a large amount of crude oil, fuel oil, LNG, LG, synthetic resins, engineering plastics, synthetic fiber monomers (purified terephthalic acid, EG) and some organic raw materials to meet the continuous high-speed domestic demand. Increasing market demand.

  ——Competition in the chemical industry is becoming fierce. The industrial structure, technical structure and scale structure will be further optimized, and the competitiveness of domestic enterprises will be further improved. Independent innovation will become one of the highlights of enhancing the competitiveness of enterprises. Private enterprises will occupy a place in the petrochemical industry and are expected to enter the upper and middle reaches of the field, such as oil refining, ethylene, aromatics and purified terephthalic acid, as well as the import and export and storage of crude oil and refined oil.

  -Resource-based industries have attracted much attention, and petrochemicals, new materials and some special fine chemicals with high technological content will become highly profitable industries. It is expected that the next peak period of profitability will be from 2011 to 2013, and my country's petroleum and chemical industries will become a hot industry for domestic and foreign investors.

——The chemical industry is facing the challenges of environmental protection, energy shortage and water shortage, especially in East China and South China, which are located in the market center. Industrial upgrading (high technology content, high added value, low energy consumption, low pollution) will become the focus of development . Resources have become the bottleneck for the development of the petrochemical industry, and the contradiction between supply and demand of crude oil, natural gas and coal will become increasingly prominent. New alternative resources have received great attention.

   He believes that in the next few years, the development trend of my country's petroleum and chemical industry will be reflected in the continuous development of the petrochemical industry, the optimized structure of the fertilizer industry, and the broad prospects for new materials and fine chemicals in new fields. Refining and ethylene industries are the leaders and cores of the petroleum and chemical industries. In the next few years, my country’s refining industry will mainly focus on adjusting the structure, improving the layout, optimizing crude oil resources, and improving the level and efficiency of refining processing. The ethylene industry will focus on improving the overall Competitiveness, based on the expansion of existing enterprises, based on market, resources and regional layout conditions, to achieve upstream and downstream integration.

   For the development of my country's oil refining and ethylene industry in the next few years, Bai Yi puts forward the following suggestions:

   1. The refining industry focuses on the reconstruction and expansion of existing refining enterprises, and new locations must be carefully arranged. Further optimize the allocation of crude oil resources and improve the layout and structure of the refining industry. In areas with relatively surplus oil refining capacity, the increase in production capacity should be controlled, and large-scale oil refining enterprises with better conditions can be enlarged and strengthened by shutting down and transferring small and inefficient refining equipment; in blank areas, appropriate locations can be arranged to fill the gaps and ease the supply of oil products. And the situation of tight transportation capacity; for areas with serious shortage of oil products, first consider adopting advanced technology, reducing energy consumption, improving oil quality, and upgrading and expansion to achieve economic scale. According to the national total balance and regional conditions, moderate , Arrange the new deployment carefully.

2. The ethylene industry aims to improve the overall competitiveness and meet the needs of national economic and social development as much as possible. It is mainly based on the reconstruction and expansion of existing enterprises, and according to market, resource conditions and regional layout adjustments, control of new locations, and overall consideration of the central and western regions. The layout of the ethylene industry. Adopt the development model of "basement, large-scale, integration, and parkization" to accelerate the capacity building, structural adjustment and industrial upgrading of the ethylene industry to achieve sustainable development of resources, scale, efficiency and environment. Speed ​​up technological innovation and localization of equipment to promote the development of related industries. Speed ​​up the development and transformation of new technologies, and actively and steadily advance the process route of using other raw materials to produce ethylene. While actively expanding production capacity, adjust the device structure and increase the production of high value-added products such as special materials; do a good job in the complete set of process technology, catalyst technology and new product development of ethylene and downstream petrochemical products production equipment, and promote the localization of major equipment , Localization work to promote the development of my country's equipment manufacturing industry. Considering environmental protection requirements, in principle, ethylene projects should not be arranged upstream of major rivers, and ethylene projects should be integrated with oil refining as much as possible.

   In addition, increasing the output of downstream petrochemical products of ethylene and increasing market share are also the development focus of the petrochemical industry. Synthetic resin is the most prominent variety with large domestic demand, rapid growth, large import volume, and contradiction between supply and demand. Polyethylene, polypropylene, polyvinyl chloride, polystyrene, and ABS resin are all types that will develop rapidly in the future. Diversified investment methods can be adopted to attract investors from all walks of life to participate in the construction of these projects. In addition, adjust the types of synthetic resins and increase the proportion of special resins to make synthetic resins diversified, specialized, and serialized.

Bai Yi pointed out that the future development trend of my country's chemical fertilizer industry will be: speed up the adjustment of the product structure of the chemical fertilizer industry, accelerate the transformation of raw material routes and technical routes, reduce the production cost of basic fertilizers, increase the fertilizer compound ratio and agrochemical service level, and adjust The productivity distribution of basic fertilizer and chemical fertilizer secondary processing, promote scientific fertilization, improve fertilizer efficiency, and do a good job in chemical fertilizer demand management. Specifically, the nitrogen fertilizer industry is mainly to improve the technical level, save energy and reduce consumption, improve resource utilization and economic benefits; the phosphate fertilizer industry relies on the enterprises that have formed a certain production capacity to do a good job in transformation and expansion; at the same time accelerate the Yunnan and Guizhou phosphate compound fertilizer bases Construction: The potash fertilizer industry is mainly to improve the production capacity of domestic potash fertilizer, accelerate the construction of potash fertilizer bases in Qinghai and Xinjiang, seek opportunities for cooperation with foreign countries, and develop the potash fertilizer industry using domestic and foreign resources.

   my country has broad prospects for the development of new materials and fine chemicals in new fields. Bai Yi suggested that the new field of fine chemicals should be developed mainly for the shortage of products that have development advantages, have an important support for the national economy, and are large in quantity. The focus is on methionine, lysine, pantothenic acid vitamins (E, A, D), propionic acid and defluorinated phosphate in feed additives; L-lactic acid, sorbic acid, nucleic acid, safe fat and sucrose in food additives Supplies, etc.; emulsion rosin, AKD, EDTA in paper chemicals; high molecular weight polyacrylamide, natural or semi-natural flocculants, etc.; new enzyme preparations in biochemical products, new biodegradable polymer materials, long-chain binary Acid, new biological pesticides, etc. Related downstream industries such as machinery, electronics, automobiles, construction and information require a wide range of fine chemicals and special chemical products to complement them. At present, the development of these industries has entered a period of acceleration, and the demand for supporting chemical products is showing a clear upward trend. These will become new economic growth points for the fine chemical industry. The main types of development include: new high-end coatings for automobiles, construction and transportation, functional materials, adhesives and special chemicals for electronics and information industries. He believes that with the rapid development of the global economy, especially the high-tech industries, and the decline in the production cost of new chemical materials, new chemical materials will continue to maintain a momentum of rapid growth and become one of the most dynamic industries in the global petrochemical field.


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Analysis of the development trend of my country's petrochemical industry in the next few years